With over 11,000 stores located in 32 countries, Lidl is a global leader in providing high quality, low prices, hassle-free grocery shopping. Located just a short distance from MHG’s office, we are proud to have assisted Lidl with their first ground-up store in Montgomery County, MD.
MHG provided Civil Engineering, Land Planning, Landscape Architecture and Land Surveying services and assisted with preliminary entitlements of surplus land on the former home of the Montgomery Village Whetstone Professional Center. We are delighted by our newly established relationship with Lidl, which has provided MHG the opportunity to assist with multiple new Lidl stores in Montgomery County.

Developer: Lidl, US Operations, LLC

Architect: Architecture, Inc.

Landscape Architect: MHG, PA

General Contractor: Doyle Construction

30,000 SF on 4.24 acres

Photography Credit: Jen Boccia Photography